Greenhouse Heating Tips for Keeping Your Garden Warm



Winter gardening can be a challenge, but with the right greenhouse heating methods, you can enjoy fresh veggies all year round. Maintaining a temperature of at least 37°F in your greenhouse is crucial, yet many overlook the variety of heating options available. From insulating your greenhouse to exploring innovative heating solutions like infrared heaters, there are several ways to keep your plants thriving even in the coldest months.

In this text, I’ll jump into the best strategies for heating a greenhouse efficiently. Whether you’re considering underground heating or looking into commercial greenhouse heaters, these tips will help you create an optimal growing environment. Let’s explore how to keep your winter garden warm and productive.

The Greenhouse Heating Basics

Effectively heating a greenhouse necessitates understanding several key elements. Maintaining consistent and optimal temperatures ensures plants thrive regardless of external weather conditions.

The Importance of Temperature Control

Heating costs form a significant part of greenhouse operation expenses, especially in colder regions. The primary challenge lies in heat loss through greenhouse coverings like traditional plastic that have an R-value of around 2. So, substantial funds often go towards replenishing the lost heat. Most greenhouses depend on natural gas or electric furnaces for supplemental heating.

Using passive heating methods can mitigate some of these costs. Solar energy, for instance, can be harnessed during the day and stored for night use or cooler periods, reducing reliance on conventional heating. Another interesting method involves using heat waste from livestock; placing a chicken coop inside a greenhouse leverages the body heat from chickens. There’s also the option of geothermal heating, an efficient way to maintain temperature without continuous energy input.

Cooling is equally important to prevent overheating. This is typically managed by opening windows either manually or automatically using window actuators. Electronic controllers further optimize this by continuously monitoring and adjusting the temperature inside the greenhouse.

Different Heating Needs for Various Plant Types

Each plant species has unique temperature requirements. Hence, understanding these needs will help tailor your greenhouse heating strategy more effectively. For example:

  1. Tropical Plants: These require higher consistent temperatures ranging from 60°F to 80°F. Using natural gas or electric furnaces ensures reliable heating.
  2. Cool-Season Vegetables: Plants like spinach and lettuce thrive in cooler temperatures, typically between 45°F and 75°F. Passive solar heating or geothermal options can efficiently maintain this range.
  3. Flowering Plants: Many flowers need a varied temperature, warmer during the day and cooler at night, often between 55°F and 85°F. Automatic controllers can help create this conducive environment by adjusting for day and night variations.

By understanding these basic principles and adjusting for specific plant needs, efficiently heating your greenhouse while managing costs is possible. This ensures a productive growing environment throughout the year.

Heating Methods for Greenhouses

There are multiple ways to effectively heat a greenhouse, making it possible to maintain optimal temperatures for plant growth even during the coldest months. Here are some efficient heating methods:

Solar Heating Systems

Solar heating systems use the sun’s energy to generate heat. Solar panels collect sunlight and convert it to electricity, which can power greenhouse heaters or fans. In areas that receive ample sunshine, this method saves on energy costs. Solar kits are easy to install. Place solar panels on your greenhouse roof to maximize exposure. This helps in maintaining an even temperature within the greenhouse.

Passive Solar Heating

Passive solar heating involves using the greenhouse’s design to harness and store solar energy. Transparent panels allow sunlight to enter, which warms the interior. Using thermal mass materials like water barrels or concrete walls inside the greenhouse helps store heat during the day and release it at night. This method requires minimal cost and effort but only lasts while the sun shines. Insulating the greenhouse further optimizes passive solar efficiency.

Geothermal Heating Options

Geothermal heating uses the consistent temperatures found underground to heat the greenhouse. An underground heat exchanger, also known as a ground-coupled heat exchanger, draws this stable warmth. This technology involves piping below the soil level that circulates air or water. It transfers the stable underground temperature to the greenhouse environment. This method can efficiently maintain temperatures during winter gardening.

Electric Heaters

Electric heaters are convenient as they provide consistent and controllable heat. Choose an electric heater designed specifically for greenhouses, which includes built-in thermostats to manage temperatures better. Positioning the heater in an open area ensures even heat distribution. This method is reliable but may increase energy bills, especially in colder climates where extended heating is necessary.

Combustion-Based Heaters

Combustion-based heaters use fuels like natural gas, propane, or kerosene to produce heat. These heaters are effective for large greenhouses and can quickly raise temperatures. Ensure you have good ventilation to manage the by-products of combustion. Install these heaters in a safe location, away from plants, to prevent damage. They provide a robust heating solution but require regular maintenance and monitoring of fuel supplies.

Choosing the right method depends on your specific needs, budget, and climate. Each heating method has its benefits and cost implications, so consider these factors when planning your greenhouse heating strategy.

Insulation Techniques to Enhance Heating Efficiency

Insulation plays a key role in improving the heating efficiency of greenhouses. Effective insulation reduces heat loss and ensures a consistent temperature inside the greenhouse.

Using Bubble Wrap or Panels

Bubble wrap offers a simple and affordable insulation method. By applying bubble wrap to the interior surfaces, I can create an extra layer of air pockets that trap heat. This method works well for smaller greenhouses where versatility and cost-efficiency matter most. To apply it, I secure the bubble wrap using clips or adhesive tape on the greenhouse frame, ensuring no gaps remain.

For a more robust solution, insulated panels provide excellent thermal resistance. These panels often consist of materials like rigid foam or polycarbonate, which have high R-values. Installing these panels on walls and ceilings can significantly enhance the insulation quality. Many of these panels are lightweight and easy to install, making them a durable option for long-term use.

Benefits of Recycled Organic Materials

Recycled organic materials, such as straw bales or even compost, serve both as insulation and environmental benefits. Straw bales can be stacked along the interior walls, providing a thick barrier against cold air. These bales also offer the added advantage of being biodegradable and easily replaceable.

Compost piles placed strategically around the greenhouse perimeter not only insulate but also generate heat through decomposition. This dual benefit makes compost a practical and eco-friendly insulation option. Recycled wooden pallets filled with organic matter can serve similarly, offering structure and additional insulation value.

By combining these techniques, I can maximize heating efficiency and create a sustainable environment conducive to plant growth. Utilizing bubble wrap, panels, and recycled materials ensures a well-insulated greenhouse that retains heat effectively.

Installation Tips for Greenhouse Heaters

Ensuring the effective installation of greenhouse heaters can maximize efficiency and safety. Carry out these tips to create a warm and productive environment for your plants.

Safety First: Electrical and Gas Considerations

When setting up heaters that use electricity or gas, confirm all electrical connections meet local codes. Using grounded outlets and proper wiring prevents accidents. For electric heaters, remember to place them away from water sources to avoid short-circuits. Ensure gas heaters are adequately vented to remove toxic fumes. Use a carbon monoxide detector to monitor air quality for added safety.

Optimizing Heater Location for Uniform Warmth

Position your heater strategically to disperse heat evenly inside the greenhouse. Placing heaters near the center or using multiple units helps prevent cold spots in larger areas. Use fans to circulate warm air and maintain an even temperature throughout the space. Avoid placing heaters too close to plants as excessive heat may damage them.

Maintaining Your Greenhouse Heating System

Keeping your greenhouse heating system in top shape is crucial for ensuring a stable growing environment. Regular upkeep helps extend the lifespan of your equipment and keeps energy costs low.

Regular Maintenance Checks

Regular inspection of the heating system is key to spotting issues early. Check heaters monthly for dust and debris, which can clog the system and reduce efficiency. Clean the fins of electric heaters and inspect vents. Also, look for any signs of corrosion or wear. Replace worn-out parts immediately to prevent larger issues.

Inspect insulation regularly. Bubble wrap and insulated panels should be tightly secured and free of tears. Reattach loose sections and replace damaged materials. This helps in conserving heat and maintaining an even temperature. Clean reflective surfaces on solar heaters to maximize efficiency.

Check the fuel supply lines if using oil, kerosene, or propane. Ensure there are no leaks. Inspect connections to make sure they are tight and free from rust. Test the fuel flow regularly so the heater operates efficiently. Also, review the heaters’ fuel levels to avoid running out during a cold snap.

Troubleshooting Common Heater Issues

Address common issues promptly to maintain an efficient heating system. If your heater isn’t producing enough heat, check the power source. Inspect electrical connections for loose wires. Ensure that the circuit breaker isn’t tripped. With fuel heaters, verify that there’s plenty of fuel, and check the fuel filter for clogs.

Uneven heating might result from poor circulation. Ensure the heater’s built-in fan, if applicable, is working. Consider adding an external fan to circulate heat more evenly. This prevents hot spots and reduces condensation.

A noisy heater can signal mechanical problems. For electric heaters, check for loose screws or fan blades that may be hitting internal parts. With fuel heaters, investigate any odd sounds like hissing, which could indicate a gas leak. Always consult the heater’s manual for specific troubleshooting steps or seek professional assistance for complex issues.

Regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting ensure that the greenhouse remains a warm and conducive environment for your plants.

Alternative Greenhouse Heating Tips

Exploring alternative methods to heat a greenhouse can lead to more efficient and cost-effective solutions. Here’s a look at two such methods:

Utilizing Thermal Mass Objects

Thermal mass objects, like rocks, water barrels, or concrete, store heat during the day and release it at night. This method can help maintain a stable temperature inside the greenhouse without the need for constant energy input.

I recommend placing dark-colored barrels filled with water inside a greenhouse. These barrels absorb the solar heat during the daytime and slowly release it at night. Stone or concrete flooring can also serve as thermal masses. Ensure these materials receive direct sunlight during the day to maximize their heat absorption capabilities. This simple yet effective technique can help create a more controlled environment for plants.

Making and Using Compost as a Heat Source

Compost piles generate heat as organic materials decompose, making them a viable heat source for greenhouses. This method is particularly beneficial for gardeners looking for a sustainable way to warm their greenhouses.

To create a compost-based heating system, start by constructing a hotbed. A hotbed is a raised bed filled with a mixture of materials like straw, horse manure, and other compostable items. Aim for a 3:1 ratio of compost to soil, maintaining a depth of at least 20 to 30 centimeters. As the materials break down, they generate heat, which warms the greenhouse from the ground up.

These two alternative heating methods can work together to maintain an ideal environment for greenhouse plants, minimizing the reliance on artificial heating systems. Incorporating thermal mass objects and compost can lead to a more energy-efficient and sustainable greenhouse.

Frequently Asked Questions About Greenhouse Heating

Heating a greenhouse effectively involves understanding various methods and choosing the best options for individual needs. Below, I answer some common questions about greenhouse heating to help you make informed decisions.

What Is the Most Cost-Effective Greenhouse Heating Method?

Passive Solar Heating stands out as the most cost-effective method for greenhouse heating. Using the sun’s energy, passive solar heating reduces dependence on artificial heaters. Here’s why it works:

  • Thermal Mass Objects: Placing objects like rocks, water barrels, or concrete inside the greenhouse allows them to absorb heat during the day and release it at night. This helps maintain a stable temperature without incurring additional costs.
  • Insulation: Using bubble wrap on the inside of a plastic-covered greenhouse can significantly conserve heat, making passive solar heating even more efficient.
  • Orientation and Design: Positioning the greenhouse to maximize sun exposure and designing it with proper ventilation enhances the effect of passive solar heating.

How Can I Minimize Heating Costs in Winter?

Several strategies exist to minimize heating costs during the colder months:

  1. Insulate Properly: Properly insulating the greenhouse can drastically reduce heat loss. Bubble wrap can be used as an effective insulating material for plastic-covered greenhouses.
  2. Use a Thermal Mass: Incorporate thermal mass objects like water barrels or rocks to retain and release heat. This reduces the need for continuous heating.
  3. Oil-Filled Radiators: These portable heaters can be used to maintain a consistent temperature. They heat up slowly and retain heat longer, making them more energy-efficient.
  4. Kerosene Heaters: For quick heat during cold snaps, kerosene heaters are effective. Ensure they are vented properly to avoid harmful emissions.
  5. Avoid Overheating: Using methods like evaporative cooling, ventilation, and fans can prevent overheating, so conserving energy.

By combining these methods, one can create a warm and energy-efficient greenhouse environment during winter.



Effective insulation ensures a greenhouse retains heat. I recommend materials like bubble wrap or polycarbonate panels. Bubble wrap works well when applied to the interior walls, providing an extra layer of thermal protection. Polycarbonate panels, though more costly, allow light penetration while offering robust insulation.

Passive Solar Heating

Passive solar heating provides a cost-effective method to warm the greenhouse. By using thermal mass objects, such as water barrels, stones, or bricks, you can absorb heat during the day and release it at night. Positioning these objects where they can absorb the most sunlight offers the best results.

Electric Heaters

Electric heaters offer consistent heating but require additional circulation to avoid hot spots. A heater with a built-in fan disperses warm air evenly, preventing cold spots and condensation. Using a thermostat helps maintain a stable temperature.

Combustion-Based Heaters

Combustion-based heaters such as propane heaters deliver powerful heating. These heaters work well in larger greenhouses. Ensuring proper ventilation is essential to avoid harmful gas buildup. A carbon monoxide detector adds an extra layer of safety.

Geothermal Heating

Geothermal heating is a sustainable option. This system uses underground pipes filled with water to transfer heat between the greenhouse and the ground. While installation is expensive, its low operating costs make it a viable long-term solution.

Strategic Layout

Optimize plant layout for heat distribution. Grouping plants with similar temperature needs together maximizes heater efficiency. Place thermal mass objects strategically within the greenhouse to maintain an even temperature.

Regular Maintenance

Maintaining your heating systems regularly ensures efficiency. Clean filters, check for leaks, and inspect components periodically. Simple, regular checks prevent larger issues and keep systems running smoothly.

Cost-Effective Practices

To minimize costs, combine various methods. Insulate thoroughly, use thermal mass objects, and employ a combination of electric and passive solar heating. These strategies reduce reliance on costly artificial heating and promote an energy-efficient environment.

Applying these greenhouse heating methods creates an optimal growing space, keeping plants healthy through colder months. Implementing these techniques offers a balanced, efficient, and cost-effective heating solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you keep an unheated greenhouse warm?

Insulate with bubble wrap – A layer of bubble wrap can reduce heat loss and block icy winter draughts, benefiting even unheated greenhouses. Horticultural-grade bubble wrap can be found at garden centers and should be applied to the interior of your greenhouse.

How to passively heat a greenhouse?

Place black-painted jugs or barrels filled with water in sunny areas of the greenhouse. These will absorb heat during the day and release it at night, helping to maintain a warmer temperature without additional energy sources.

How to heat a greenhouse without electricity?

Here are some methods:

  1. Use hot beds or composting hay and straw bales.
  2. Add thermal mass to absorb heat.
  3. Use double layers for extra insulation.
  4. Place an animal hutch inside.
  5. Seal any openings.
  6. Use black paint to absorb sunlight.
  7. Utilize a humidifier.

How many BTU do I need to heat my greenhouse?

Calculate the BTU requirement by multiplying the square footage of your greenhouse by the difference in desired and outside temperatures, then by the heat loss factor. This gives you the minimum heater BTU rating needed.

What is the most efficient way to heat a greenhouse?

Electric heaters are generally the most efficient as they do not require ventilation, thereby minimizing heat loss. This contrasts with gas heaters, which are around 80% efficient due to heat lost through exhaust ports.

My gardens have been my outdoor classrooms, where I've endlessly experimented with new techniques and varieties through years of trial and error. Gardening is so much more than just beauty - it's about cultivating life, nurturing the soil, and finding new ways to work in harmony with nature. I've deep expertise across all aspects, from soil preparation and seed starting to pruning perennials and managing pests naturally. You'll always find dirt under my nails as I put my know-how to the test. When I'm not out tending my gardens, I lead workshops to share my passion and inspire novices and master gardeners alike. I also write for gardening magazines and hold court at my local nursery. My greatest delight is equipping and empowering others to find success in their own gardens.

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