What Are Climbing Courgettes and How To Grow Them?



Varieties of Climbing Courgette

Ready to turn your garden into a vertical paradise? Let’s jump into some fantastic climbing courgette varieties that’ll transform your space. These bad boys grow upwards, save room, and give you those Insta-worthy yields.

Choosing the Right Variety

Selecting the right variety is key for a fruitful garden adventure. Here are some top contenders:

  1. ‘Black Forest F1’: This one’s a beast, reaching up to 2m tall with vigorous growth. You’ll love its cylindrical green fruits and yellow flowers starting from mid-summer.
  2. ‘Shooting Star F1’: Think golden-yellow goodness! This British variety churns out 15-20cm long fruits that practically scream summer.
  3. ‘Wave Climber’: A dark green delight growing up to 2m tall, yielding fruits between 20-25cm from July onwards.
  4. ‘Tromboncino d’Albenga’: Go big or go home with this variety! It can stretch up to 4m if given free rein and produces slender bright-green beauties as long as 1m.
  5. ‘Incredible Escalator’: An organic champ that climbs any fence or trellis effortlessly while offering rich green zucchinis with tender flesh and nutty flavor.

Don’t forget—courgettes aren’t self-clinging like ivy; they need some help staying upright so grab those ties!

Planting and Supporting Climbing Courgette

Ready to turn your garden into a vertical veggie paradise? Climbing courgettes are the way to go! These space-saving plants not only look impressive but also yield bountiful harvests. Here’s how you can plant and support them effectively.

Types of Supports

Climbing courgettes need sturdy supports because their fruits get pretty heavy. Here are some popular options:

  • Trellis: A classic choice, trellises lift stems, leaves, and fruits off the ground. This improves air circulation and reduces disease risks.
  • Bamboo Canes: Simple yet effective, bamboo canes can be positioned to guide your plants upward.
  • Mesh Fences: Perfect for training your courgettes to grow vertically while keeping them well-supported.

Install these supports before or during planting so new growth can be tied in straight away.

Best Practices for Planting

Follow these steps for successful planting:

  1. Pre-sowing and Pre-germination:
  • Start seeds indoors around late April or early May.
  • Use moist paper towels to pre-germinate seeds; check for roots every few days.
  1. Sowing:
  • Fill 2 MM-Airpots with MM pre-sowing mix and water.
  • Plant one pre-germinated seed per pot, keep the mix moist, and rotate pots daily.
  1. Transplanting:
  • Transplant seedlings into a garden box or directly into the ground once ready. Space them about 90cm apart.
  • Mulch surrounding soil to retain moisture and protect from pests like slugs and snails.
  1. Sunlight: Ensure at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day by positioning plants where they’ll avoid shade from nearby structures or trees.
  2. Watering: Regular hydration is key—water thoroughly at least once a week (more often in hot weather). Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

Care and Maintenance

Taking care of your climbing courgettes isn’t rocket science, but a few tips can make all the difference between a flourishing garden and sad, wilting vines. Here’s how to keep those green beauties happy.

Pruning Techniques

Prune like a pro! Snip away any tatty leaves or ones hit by powdery mildew. Doing this helps sunlight reach the fruits better, making them easier to spot when it’s harvest time. Think of pruning as giving your plant a stylish haircut—cleaner look and healthier growth!


Keep the water flowing but don’t drown them! Give your courgettes regular drinks without soaking their leaves to dodge fungal diseases. Use a pot or watering can to aim for the roots directly. Mulch around your plants to lock in moisture—it’s like putting on sunscreen before hitting the beach.


Hungry plants need food too! Every 10–14 days, treat your climbing courgettes with some high-potash liquid fertilizer once you see those first fruits starting to swell up. This is crucial if you’re growing them in containers; they need that extra nutrient boost.


Think of mulching as tucking your plants into bed snugly at night. Lay down a thick layer of mulch over soil around each courgette plant. It keeps the ground moist and tells weeds they’re not invited.

Managing Common Diseases

The arch-nemesis: Powdery Mildew. Fight back by spacing out your plants so they get good airflow and stay dry up top while watering only at the base (leave no foliage behind). If things go south, grab a fungicide as backup protection.

Benefits of Growing Climbing Courgette

Growing climbing courgettes isn’t just for show; it’s a smart gardening hack that offers numerous benefits. Let’s break down why you should consider giving your courgettes some vertical love.

Space Efficiency

When space is tight, climbing courgettes are your best friend. By training them to grow up a trellis or stake, you can maximize your garden’s footprint. This method lets you fit more plants into smaller areas without compromising their health. Plus, keeping the leaves and fruits off the ground reduces the risk of fungal diseases and pests munching on your veggies.

Increased Air Circulation and Sun Exposure

Climbing courgettes have another trick up their sleeve: better air circulation. Elevating these plants promotes airflow around them, helping to prevent nasty fungal diseases like powdery mildew. More air means less moisture buildup and happier plants overall.


Embracing climbing courgettes can transform your garden into a vibrant and efficient space. By choosing the right variety and ensuring proper support, you’ll enhance your gardening experience. The benefits are plentiful from optimizing space to minimizing disease risks all while encouraging healthy growth through better air circulation and sun exposure. Implementing this vertical gardening technique isn’t just practical; it’s a strategic move for any gardener aiming for a lush productive haven.

My gardens have been my outdoor classrooms, where I've endlessly experimented with new techniques and varieties through years of trial and error. Gardening is so much more than just beauty - it's about cultivating life, nurturing the soil, and finding new ways to work in harmony with nature. I've deep expertise across all aspects, from soil preparation and seed starting to pruning perennials and managing pests naturally. You'll always find dirt under my nails as I put my know-how to the test. When I'm not out tending my gardens, I lead workshops to share my passion and inspire novices and master gardeners alike. I also write for gardening magazines and hold court at my local nursery. My greatest delight is equipping and empowering others to find success in their own gardens.

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